Potato Mince Potage
Potato Mince Potage is a rustic, rich, satisfying, small dish that’s easy to prepare, and chock full of nutrients. Built with a classic mixture of potatoes and dairy, but with a proportional spin heavy on olive oil and cream. The result is a luxurious texture and savory flavor, with minimal effort.
It can be prepared quickly for two in a microwave, or in a larger batch from the oven, then finished in individual crocks just prior to serving. It is meant to be a sloppy, soupy, lumpy, two or three spoon treat, eaten immediately. It is a mince, and it is a soup, and it is about proportion. The potato will absorb the liquid quickly, losing the desired texture, so having a shot or two of cream and olive oil on the side can be useful, and kind of fun.
Total time -
12 minutes
Per 2 Servings
One large Russet potato
4 ounces half and half
3 tablespoons olive oil
Salt, black pepper
Microwave Oven
Two ceramic crocks
Dinner forks
Chef’s knife
scrub and rinse the potato
chop potato into rough 1 inch cubes, leaving the skin intact
place in a microwave safe bowl
douse with olive oil
toss with salt and pepper so all pieces are well coated
place in microwave for about 4 minutes
stir and return to the microwave for an additional 4 minutes - or until ready to eat
shred potato and skins with two dinner forks, so it retains the consistency of a rough mince
submerge in half and half then stir
allow to rest for about one minute
submerge again with half and half and remaining olive oil; add salt and pepper to taste
serve with finishing salt, fresh cracked pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil
Russet potatoes are perfect for this dish, and for baking in a microwave or in a traditional oven. They are low moisture, with a fluffy interior, and a tasty, chewy exterior - its the skin that makes the ‘mince’.