The Cotswold

The Cotswold is a simple, slow sipping, sturdy cocktail that quickly develops into a savory drink. It’s the perfect accompaniment to a plate of rare prime rib, or for dessert after.

It’s slow sipping as this is a straight-up 80 proof drink. The quality of vodka is important particularly for the first few sips, but also as the drink progresses and the flavors blend. Preferred are the velvety smooth, clean flavor of Grey Goose, or the more peppery Belvedere - which has a generous texture and soft, no-burn finish.

Details are essential with all four ingredients - vodka, olives, cheese, and ice. Big, meaty Castelvetrano olives that are sold in brine, rather than oil are preferred; creamy, pungent, slightly sweet, room temperature Gorganzola; and freshly smacked, cracked ice.

The vodka breaks down the cheese, oil is released from the olives, and melting ice mellows the intensity of the alcohol. A cocktail skewer or toothpick makes the olives available for tasting and acts as a stirrer to maintain the mixing process.

Total time -
Less than 5 minutes


Per Serving

3 ounces premium vodka
3 large cocktail olives
3 teaspoons gorganzola cheese
ice cubes


Old Fashioned Glass
cocktail skewer or toothpick
ice mallet or heavy spoon


  • select a substantial low ball tumbler

  • stuff olives with cheese

  • skewer the stuffed olives and place in tumbler

  • crack ice cubes so there are a variety of sizes and shards

  • fill glass with cracked ice

  • pour vodka over ice and olives

  • stir with skewer


If you prefer to use olives that are already stuffed, it’s a good idea to add a bit of liquid from the jar to your drink, as the cheese will have been saturated and some of the flavor will be in the juice.

Gorganzola is the perfect texture, and a blend of sweet and tangy - other creamy blue veined cheeses will also work if you have a favorite.